IARPP Australia Members

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The psychotherapists listed below are Members of IARPP International.


IARPP does not provide a referral service. Where members of the public seek to engage one of our members, we may at the request of a member of the public, identify those of our members who may be available in the area requested. We cannot guarantee whether or not a therapist member is able to provide you with the therapy you seek or whether you are able to form a therapeutic relationship with that therapist. You will need to discuss with a therapist your needs, which will need to be assessed by that therapist. Therapy is a personal experience and each individual will have particular needs and preferences, which may or may not be able to be addressed by a particular therapist. The relationship between a client and a therapist may vary and will depend on a number of factors. Please see the disclaimer below.

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All information found in the IARPP Australia website database has been supplied by the psychotherapists listed and is published in good faith. No warranty or representation is provided regarding the accuracy, reliability and suitability of the information published, and IARPP may change, delete, add to or otherwise amend the information without notice. The IARPP Australia website database is made available strictly on the basis that IARPP is not responsible or liable for loss or damage or other costs of any kind whether direct or indirect arising out of any use of or reliance, in part or in full, upon the Database contents for any purpose whatsoever.

If you are an IARPP member and would like your details added to this directory, please email them to info@iarppaustralia.com.au